
Why use Broker?

Only few of the largest corporations can afford to have insurace experts on staff with expertise in:

- Insurable risks

- Terms and Conditions of various insurance companies

- Practicalities of getting compensation in case insured risk materialises

- Special limited time or scope offers from insurers

- The „small print” details of the insurance Terms and Conditions

- Formalities to follow in case insured event happens

All other companies and individuals can only rely on their insurance broker, because your Insurance Broker:

- Always represents the interests of and works on behalf of the client

- Saves your time and fnds the most appropriate solutions

- Provides expert advice at no cost to you

- Offers choice

- Perfectly navigates the insurance landscape

- Knows insurance terms and condidions to the smallest detail

- Saves your time assisting you through all the formalities

- Helps you asses the risks on provides appropriate advice (insurance is not always the best and surely not the only tool for risk management)

- Will assist you in case the insured event happens



Address: Riga, Ulbrokas street 44A

29446479, 26487114


www: agga.lv

Time: 9.00 - 18.00